Struct chill::action::execute_view::ExecuteView [] [src]

pub struct ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize, P: IntoViewPath, StartKey: Serialize, T: Transport + 'a {
    // some fields omitted

Executes a view on the CouchDB server and returns the result.

Chill executes the view by sending an HTTP request to the CouchDB server to GET from or POST to the view's path. For more details about executing views, please see the CouchDB documentation.


The following are some errors that may occur when executing a view.

Error::NotFound The database, design document, or view does not exist.
Error::Unauthorized The client lacks permission to execute the view.


The following program demonstrates view execution.

extern crate chill;
extern crate serde_json;

let server = chill::testing::FakeServer::new().unwrap();
let client = chill::Client::new(server.uri()).unwrap();

// Create a database and populate it with some documents.


let create_player = |name, home_runs| {
                                .insert("name", name)
                                .insert("home_runs", home_runs)

create_player("Babe Ruth", 714);
create_player("Hank Aaron", 755);
create_player("Willie Mays", 660);

client.create_document("/baseball", {
               .insert_object("views", |x| {
                   x.insert_object("home_run", |x| {
                       x.insert("map", r#"function(doc) { emit(doc.home_runs,; }"#)

// Execute a view to get players with at least 700 home runs.

let view_response = client.execute_view(

let expected = vec![
    "Hank Aaron - 755",
    "Babe Ruth - 714",

let got = view_response.rows()
                       .map(|x| format!("{} - {}",

assert_eq!(expected, got);


impl<'a, EndKey, P, StartKey, T> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize, P: IntoViewPath, StartKey: Serialize, T: Transport + 'a

fn with_reduce(self, reduce: bool) -> Self

Modifies the action to explicitly reduce or not reduce the view.

The with_reduce method abstracts CouchDB's reduce query parameter. By default, CouchDB reduces a view if and only if the view contains a reduction function. Consequently, an application may use this method to disable reduction of a view that contains a reduction function.

fn with_limit(self, limit: u64) -> Self

Modifies the action to retrieve at most a given number of documents.

The with_limit method abstracts CouchDB's limit query parameter. By default, the CouchDB server sends all rows.

This method has no effect if the view is reduced.

fn with_descending(self, descending: bool) -> Self

Modifies the action to retrieve the view rows in descending order.

The with_descending method abstracts CouchDB's descending query parameter. By default, the CouchDB server sends the rows of an unreduced view in ascending order, sorted by key. Whereas, if the descending query parameter is true, then the server sends the rows in reverse order.

This method has no effect if the view is reduced.

fn with_exact_groups(self, yes_or_no: bool) -> Self

fn with_group_level(self, group_level: u32) -> Self

fn with_documents(self, yes_or_no: bool) -> Self

impl<'a, EndKey, P, T> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, (), EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize, P: IntoViewPath, T: Transport + 'a

fn with_start_key<StartKey>(self, start_key: StartKey) -> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where StartKey: Serialize

Modifies the action to include only records with a key greater than or equal to a given key.

The with_start_key method abstracts CouchDB's startkey query parameter. By default, the CouchDB server includes all records.

impl<'a, P, StartKey, T> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, ()> where P: IntoViewPath, StartKey: Serialize, T: Transport + 'a

fn with_end_key_inclusive<EndKey>(self, end_key: EndKey) -> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize

Modifies the action to include only records with a key less than or equal to a given key.

The with_end_key_inclusive method abstracts CouchDB's endkey query parameter. By default, the CouchDB server includes all records.

fn with_end_key_exclusive<EndKey>(self, end_key: EndKey) -> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize

Modifies the action to include only records with a key less than a given key.

The with_end_key_exclusive method abstracts CouchDB's endkey and inclusive_end query parameters. By default, the CouchDB server includes all records.

impl<'a, EndKey, P, StartKey, T> ExecuteView<'a, T, P, StartKey, EndKey> where EndKey: Serialize, P: IntoViewPath, StartKey: Serialize, T: Transport

fn run(self) -> Result<ViewResponseError>